The target could be everything; Computers(machines), networks, and even our home, office, city, and planets(sort of digital twins and virtual reality)!
In this document, I’d like to focus on computer things.
1. Making logical machines
2. OS-level containerizing & sandboxing
FreeBSD jails
Solaris zones
4. Trivia
4.1. Etymology?
When I searched down the google and read documents, I realized there are two way to write the term: Virtualization and Virtualisation.
Because this difference comes from the difference of British English and American English.
I already know there are difference of British English and American, the terms practice and practise, for example. but when I read an article full of Virtuali-sation, maybe written by who usually use British English, as a non-native English speaker for the first time, I was so interested by that differences.
Virtualisation: British English
Virtualization: American English
practice: American English
practise: British English
Well whatever, Wikipedia redirects you to the 'Virtualization' document, if you search out 'Virtualisation'. Try: