🍗 Wiki


An Encyclopedia of A Hacker

FrontPage: An Encyclopedia of A Hacker

This is a personal/private wiki maintained by Ch1keen, to collect some useful information.

1. User Guide for the visitor

  • You can search some articles and navigate to the othet article by typing keywords you’re interested in.

    • The search bar is at the top-right corner.

  • You can see a list of recently changed documents by tapping Recently Changed at the top-middle of the page.

  • If you feel tired, press 'Random' to jump to the random article.

  • The bottom-right arrow( ^ ) button is a button scroll to the top of the page.

  • A root page of the wiki contains:

    • Recently Changed documents.

    • Articles grouped by categories.

2. Color on the text

If you see the color of the text is different, it means the text contains/is a link.

If the color is skyblue, it means the link is to another document. When the document doesn’t exist, the color is red.

If you see a small black GitHub logo next to the colored text, it means the link is to the GitHub.

If you see a link emoji next to the colored text, it is linked to the external page. These external links will be opened in a new tab. If you see the color of the link is red, you can believe the link to the external page could be broken.

3. Color of the page

Q. Are you planning to support the dark mode?

A. No.


  • This site may contain wrong information.

    • As you’re a hacker or a (computer) scientist, please do a double-check or experiments before you believe it.

  • This wiki is intended to be private, so you can’t modify the document. If you want to modify the document for some reason(wrong information, add additional context etc.), please contact to [email protected].

5. Welcome!

Enjoy the wiki, have fun!

If you feel the page is useful or helpful, please let me know! [email protected]