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The V programming language is a simple, lightweight, and fast programming language. It really looks like the Go programming language at glance.

The V programming language is written in the V language, and the V command can be compiled in less than a second.

1. Try it online

You can try the V language in this playground.

2. Try and install

You can install the V programming language by cloning the git repository and invoking make.

git clone https://github.com/vlang/v
cd v

With Nix, you can try or install vlang package.

nix-shell -p vlang

Without giving any sub commands, You can get into the REPL session.

$ v
 ____    ____
 \   \  /   /  |  Welcome to the V REPL (for help with V itself, type  exit , then run  v help ).
  \   \/   /   |  Note: the REPL is highly experimental. For best V experience, use a text editor,
   \      /    |  save your code in a  main.v  file and execute:  v run main.v
    \    /     |  V 0.4.4 ac2dcc2 . Use  list  to see the accumulated program so far.
     \__/      |  Use Ctrl-C or  exit  to exit, or  help  to see other available commands.

3. Writing a code and run it

This will print "Hello World!" to the console.

// hello.v
println('Hello World!')

You can run it by invoking v run. It will build a binary from the source code, and delete them instantly.

$ v run hello.v
Hello World!

If you want to persist the executable, just omit the run sub command.

$ v hello.v

$ ./hello
Hello World!