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Serial Communication

Serial Communication

1. Useful tools

1.1. PuTTY

Official Website: https://www.putty.org/

PuTTY is an easy to use tool for serial communication.

1.2. minicom

minicom is a friendly serial communication program available on GNU Linux or Unix. It is written in C

You can build from source, or install it if your system has apt.

sudo apt install minicom

1.3. pyserial

I personally wanted to automate tasks that has to be done with serial communication.

But it also has tools for serial communication: list_ports and miniterm. The miniterm is a minimal console application, and you can use list_ports tool to get a list of ports.

You can install pySerial with pip command.

pip install pyserial

1.3.1. Simple programming: List up available ports

Tested in Windows

import serial

serial.tools.list_ports.comports()[0].name   # COM8

1.3.2. Minicom

As mentioned above, there is the original minicom program. But you can use minicom in Windows with the tool, without installing PuTTY.

python3 -m serial.tools.miniterm COM10 115200
# Sometimes --filter direct, it won't irritate you because of junk characters
# when you type backspace and arrow keys

It is like a multi platform minicom, and a good alternative of PuTTY to me.