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Let’s start a journey and find some tastes

1. Running FreeBSD in QEMU

1.1. From ISO image

Of course, you must have Qemu, and a FreeBSD image.

Create a disk with qemu-img.

$ qemu-img create -f raw VM25G.raw 25G
Formatting 'VM25G.raw', fmt=raw size=26843545600

Then you can boot with qemu giving the image as a hard drive and downloaded the iso image as a CD, as we try to install FreeBSD in your desktop/laptop.

qemu-system-x86_64 \
  -m 1G
  -hda VM25G.raw
  -cdrom FreeBSD-14.0-RELEASE-amd64-bootonly.iso

You should see a window opened. You can install FreeBSD at there!

1.2. From QCOW2 image

qemu-system-x86_64 FreeBSD-14.0-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2

If -m option is not given, it will be 128 MB.

1.3. Running FreeBSD with no graphic

You can boot with -nographic option if there is a console="comconsole" line in /boot/loader.conf.

  • Access to the filesystem and modify it using guestfs-tools

    could be a hassle.

  • Just…​

Run a qcow2 image with qemu-system-* command.

qemu-system-x86_64 FreeBSD-14.0-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2

Then edit it directly by:

echo 'console="comconsole"' >> /boot/loader.conf

Whatever, you can simply append the -nographic option.

qemu-system-x86_64 FreeBSD-14.0-RELEASE-amd64.qcow2 -nographic

And enjoy!

qemu-img resize then growfs

2. Tips

These tips are useful if you’re (too) familiar with Linux. Remember, *BSD are different from Linux.

2.1. No --help options in most of commands

I used to type --help when I have to deal with commands, especially when I forgot how to use that commands.

But in FreeBSD, (almost) all commands may look impolite and indifferent what you’re about to do.

root@freebsd:~ # geom --help
geom: illegal option -- -
usage: geom <class> <command> [options]
       geom -p <provider-name>
       geom -t

Instead of --help, use man command. You can see well-documented manual, and you might see how polite FreeBSD is.

GEOM(8)                 FreeBSD System Manager's Manual                GEOM(8)

     geom – universal control utility for GEOM classes

     geom class help
     geom class list [-a] [name ...]
     geom class status [-ags] [name ...]
     geom class load [-v]
     geom class unload [-v]
     geom -p provider-name
     geom -t

     The geom utility is used to control various GEOM classes.  A class has to
     be aware of geom communication methods, but there are also some standard
     commands which can be used for existing geom unaware classes.  Here is
     the list of standard commands:

2.2. Does FreeBSD have Docker?

Me: Mom! can we have Docker

Mother of FreeBSD: We already have Docker in FreeBSD.

Docker in FreeBSD: Jail

FreeBSD Jail is more than chroot command, but invented earlier than Docker.

See FreeBSD Jail for detail.

2.3. No fdisk

In my short experience with FreeBSD, I was struggled managing disks. In Linux, there is a useful tool called fdisk and its friend cfdisk, you can list installed disks and manage them, if necessary.

But in FreeBSD, you will see an unwanted message:

root@freebsd:~ # fdisk -l
fdisk: illegal option -- l
usage: fdisk [-BIaipqstu] [-b bootcode] [-1234] [disk]
       fdisk -f configfile [-itv] [disk]

Yeah, there is no -l option in fdisk command, in FreeBSD.

And what’s more, Do you know fdisk is obsolete?

FDISK(8)                FreeBSD System Manager's Manual               FDISK(8)

     fdisk – PC slice table maintenance utility
     This command is obsolete.  Users are advised to use gpart(8) instead.

Fortunately, we can use geom or gpart command.

  • List disks (fdisk -l)

    root@freebsd:~ # geom disk list
    Geom name: cd0
    1. Name: cd0
       Mediasize: 0 (0B)
       Sectorsize: 2048
       Mode: r0w0e0
       descr: QEMU QEMU DVD-ROM
       ident: (null)
       rotationrate: unknown
       fwsectors: 0
       fwheads: 0
    Geom name: ada0
    1. Name: ada0
       Mediasize: 6476660736 (6.0G)
       Sectorsize: 512
       Mode: r3w3e8
       descr: QEMU HARDDISK
       ident: QM00001
       rotationrate: unknown
       fwsectors: 63
       fwheads: 16