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Ethereum is a technology that’s home to digital money, global payments, and digital money applications, on the top of Blockchain.

1. Notes

I think there are three pillars of developing Ethereum decentralised applications: Smart contracts, Front-ends, and Tests.

2. Tools

Smart Contract Development
Making Environment for Development
Software Testing

3. Hacking and CTF Challenges

3.1. Simply call a function using foundry cast

If it is on your localhost network, simply use 'call' subcommand with your desired function and a target contract address.

You can set up your own localhost testnet using Anvil.

If it is on other than local testnet, you should specify RPC URL with --rpc-url option.

You can google it, I’d like to use https://chainlist.org/chain/1.

$ cast call 0x6b175474e89094c44da98b954eedeac495271d0f "name()(string)" --rpc-url=https://mainnet.gateway.tenderly.co
"Dai Stablecoin"

Because cast call is a command-line wrapper of Ethereum RPC call, it is possible to specify the requester(sender) by adding --from option.

cast call 0x<Contract Address> "testFunction()(string)" --from=0x<Your Address>