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3. How to use Bluetooth in Linux

Bluez is an official Bluetooth stack for Linux. It is integrated to Linux kernel as a kernel module since Linux 2.4.6 release.

If you plugged a Bluetooth USB dongle to your machine but cannot recognize it, you might have to check the kernel module is loaded.

$ dmesg | grep -i blue       # To filter out dmesg lines with 'blue(tooth)'

$ ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/bluetooth
$ sudo modprobe btusb     # Load the btusb kernel module

You can try lots of tools to use Bluetooth in Linux, these are the tools that I tried, and worked well.

GUI tools
  • Blueman

  • Gnome: gnome-bluetooth-3.0

CLI tools
  • bluetoothctl

  • hcitool

  • bluetuith: bluetuith is (n)curses themed Bluetooth manager written in Rust.

3.1. Monitor your bluetooth connection

There is btmon tool, you can use it if you installed bluez-utils.

3.2. Change the (nick)name of the bluetooth interface

$ hciconfig hci0 name 'BluetoothNameWhatYouWant'

4. Reference